Internal Complaints Committee

The Internal Complaints Committee has been formed at Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Erode to address the issues under Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students in Higher Educational Institutions Regulations, 2015.


The objective of this committee is to provide protection against sexual harassment of female employees and students inside the Campus and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.


  1. The Internal Complaints Committee will examine all matters relating to women in the Campus and will make suggestions and proposals to the institute administration regarding such matters.
    1. The Committee will admit complaints from
      • Female employees on harassment and discrimination in the workplace by other employees
      • Female students on harassment and discrimination in the classroom and in relation to academic activities by faculty and staff
      • Female residents on harassment, assault and other forms of misbehavior by employees
    2. The Committee will follow relevant Acts, Rules, OM of Government of India and Court Orders etc as applicable from time to time.
    3. The Committee will institute Enquiry Committee as it deems fit to examine particular complaints.
    4. The Committee will make recommendations on actions to be taken on specific complaints.

  • The Child Protection Club and Internal Complaints Committee of Kongu Arts and Science College organized an Outreach Programme on "Protecting Children Against Various Forms of Violence" for students at Panchayat Union Primary School, Seenapuram, on 17.08.2024. The workshop aimed to raise awareness about the various forms of violence children may encounter and equip them with knowledge and strategies to safeguard themselves. The session included interactive discussions, activities, and practical insights to empower the children. Around 168 students participated and benefited from the workshop.
  • The Internal Complaints Committee of Kongu Arts and Science College organized a quiz competition on 26.08.2024 to commemorate Women’s Equality Day. Approximately 150 students took part in the event and were awarded E-certificates.
  • The Internal Complaints Committee of Kongu Arts and Science College, in association with the Budokai Martial Arts Association, Erode, organized a one-day Self-Defense Techniques(Martial Arts) workshop for first-year UG and PG female students on 21st September 2024 (Saturday). Sensei G.M. Devendran was the trainer for the workshop and approximately 615 students participated and benefitted. Around 30 students were awarded medals by the trainer in recognition of their efforts.

  • The Department of Social Work and Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of Kongu Arts and Science College & District Legal Services Authority, Erode has conducted an Awareness Programme on Legal Services and Transgender for II MSW, I & II B.Sc. (Psychology) students on 28.06.2023.
  • Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has organized an Awareness Programme on Elimination of Violence Against Women in commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women for the UG and PG students on 08.12.2023. The programme aimed at highlighting the declaration of POSH (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 of violence against women. The Programme was presided by Mrs. Rajalakshmi Ramasamy, Advocate, Coimbatore served as the Chief Guest.
  • Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee (POSH) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kongu Arts and Science College has observed the International Human Rights Day on 10.12.2023. Around 130 faculty members has particapated and taken the Human Rights Pledge.
  • Internal Complaints Committee has conducted Two Days Martial Arts Training on Self- Defense Techniques in association with Budokai Martial Arts Association, Erode with G.M. Devendran was invited to train and guide self defence techniques to the UG and PG girl students of our College on 27.02.2024 and 05.03.2024.
  • Internal Complaints Committee has organized an Awareness Programme on Bridging the Gender Gap for the UG and PG students of our college on 06.03.2024 with Mrs. Poongodi Vijayakumar B.A. B.L., Advocate, Erode and Document Writer, Erode served as the Chief Guest.

  • Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee (POSH) has organized an Awareness Programme on Social Media for the first year PG students on 18.11.2022. The programme aimed to highlight the threats and abuses of social media and help the students to use social media protectively and efficiently. The Programme was presided by Dr. N. Raman, Principal, KASC and Dr. H. Vasudevan, Dean, Academic Affairs, KASC and Dr. V. Anbumani, Associate Professor and Head, Hindi and other Languages, KASC served as resource persons.
  • Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee (POSH) has organized an Awareness Programme on Elimination of Violence Against Women in commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women for the UG and PG students on 25.11.2022. The programme aimed at highlighting the declaration of POSH (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013 of violence against women. The Programme was presided by Mrs. R. Kavitha, Advocate, Erode and Mrs. J. Shantha Devi, Family Welfare Counsellor and Coordinator, Sukira Community Health Counselling Trust, Erode served as the Chief Guest.
  • Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee (POSH), Women Development Cell (WDC) in association with District Judiciary, Erode has organised a debate on the topic "பெண்கள் வல்லினமே பெண்கள் மெல்லினமே" on 07.12.2022. The programme aimed to create awareness on Elimination of Violence Against Women through the debate. The programme was conducted in the presence of the following Chief Guest(s):
    1. Thiru. B. Murugesan, Principal District Judge, Erode
    2. Tmt. R. Malathi, District Judge, Mahila Court, Erode
    3. Tmt. S. Hema, Judge, Family Court, Erode
    4. Thiru.C.M.Saravanan, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Erode
    5. Tmt.A.Shanmugapriya, Principal Sub Judge, Erode
    6. Selvi.Afzal Fathima, Judicial Magistrate No.III, Erode
  • Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee (POSH) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Kongu Arts and Science College has observed the International Human Rights Day on 10.12.2022. Around 130 faculty members has particapated and taken the Human Rights Pledge.

  • The Internal Complaints Committee & Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell conducted an Awareness Programme on “Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013” about “Gender sensitization and importance of Gender equity” on 09.10.2021 for the Female Faculty Members and girl students of our college with Dr.N.Murugeswari, Professor, Department of Women Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli. as the resource person.
  • Internal Complaints Committee under POSH conducted an Awareness Programme on “Elimination of Violence against Women” on 25.11.2021 for the girl students of our college with Mrs.I.Poongothai, M.Sc., District Social Welfare Officer, Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department, Erode; Dr.E.M.Ashok, Chair Person, Child Welfare Committee, Erode; Dr.P.Dhanalakshmi, District MCH Nodal Officer, Erode; Dr.Chella Selvakumar, Tamilnadu State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Erode, Mrs.B.Jeyalakshmi, Advocate, Erode, Mrs.J.Shantha devi, District Legal Service Authority (PLV), Erode were the resource persons.
  • Internal Complaints Committee under POSH conducted an Awareness Programme on “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013” about the laws and punishments of Act 2013 on 10.12.2021 for the students of our college with Mr.P.Ramesh Kumar, Advocate, Erode as the resource person.
  • Internal Complaints Committee under POSH and Women Development Cell conducted an Awareness Programme on “Impact of Social Media on Women” about the effective utilization of social media on 11.04.2022 for the female faculty members, UG and PG girl students Principal Dr.N.Raman as the resource person.

  • The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women Committee and Internal Complaints Committee conducted a webinar on " Gender Equality, Bias and Stereotyping" for the Female Faculty Members and students of our college on 10.07.2020 with Dr.J.Vasanthakumari, Consultant Psychologist, POSH Committee Member and POSH Corporate Trainer, Chennai as the resource person.

  • A meeting of the Principal with the Female students and faculty representatives of the Internal Complaints Committee and the student and faculty representatives of the Women Development Cell was held on 16.07.2019. The Principal addressed the students with the details regarding the measures taken to ensure safety and dignity of the women in the Campus. The forums available in the Department Level as well as in the College Level for the prevention and Redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidentals thereto were detailed.
  • The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women Committee and Internal Complaints Committee has conducted an "Awareness and Training programme on Self- defense Techniques (Martial Arts)" in association with Budokai Martial Arts Association, Erode for the first Year UG and PG girl students of our College on 20.08.2019 to insist the necessity to learn Self- defense Techniques and to train them to defend themselves.
  • The committees along with AID India Kongu Chapter conducted a workshop on "Gender Sensitization and Prevention of Child sexual Abuse" on 13.02.2020 with Mrs.Revathi Ramkumar, Project Coordinator, AID India, Chennai as the resource person.
  • The committees along with District Legal Services Authority, Erodeconducted an Awareness Programme on "Legal Rights of Women" for the final year girl students of our college on 17.02.2020 with Tmt.S.Lakshmi, Secretary/Sub-Judge, District Legal Services Authority, Erode and Tmt. G.Geetha, Advocate, District Court, Erode as resource persons.

  • The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women Committee conducted an "Awareness and Training programme on Self- defense Techniques (Martial Arts)" in association with Budokai Martial Arts Association, Erode for the first Year UG and PG girl students of our College on 20.08.2018 to insist the necessity to learn Self- defense Techniques and to train them to defend themselves. Around 800 students were benefited by the activity.
  • The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women Committee and Internal Complaints Committee has conducted a Nationwide College level competition to create awareness about the "Legal Rights of Women" along with the Women Development Cell in association with National Commission for Women, New Delhi on 19.12.2018
  • The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women Committee and Internal Complaints Committee has conducted an awareness programme on Prevention of Violence against Women and revelation of Legal Provisions on 22.02.2019 with Ms. B. Savitha, Advocate, Erode

  • The Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women Committee of Kongu Arts and Science College organised a one-day "Awareness Programme on Self Defence Techniques" (Martial Arts) for the I year UG and PG girl students on 22.08.2017 (Tuesday) in association with Budokai Martial Arts Association, Erode. Around 800 students were benefited by the Programme.
  • The cell conducted a Nationwide College Level competition to create awareness about the "legal rights of women" along with the Women Development cell in association with National Commission for Women, New Delhi on 29.11.2017.
Updated on 07th February 2025 [News and Events]

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